Thanks to the app and NFC technology, it is possible to read, save, modify and also transmit the configuration of a transmitter to one or more devices, and all without cables and connections.The app automatically recognizes the device and reads the configuration in a few seconds. So you can edit, save to your phone, email or copy the stored configuration to another ATT1.Among the special features is the ability to name the device (tag) to identify within the installation, set the output value that indicates the depletion state, change the unit of measurement (°C or °F), adjust the retransmitted interval and perform error compensation due to probe position, either by user calibration or by displacement and gain.The complete product manual can be downloaded at compile the linearization tables and transfer personalized linearizations, the RF AFC1 programmer connected to a Windows PC is required, together with the Coel NFC Soft software, available for download at technical support.